Yankee Doodle Crow E-Pattern by Sharon Bond
The Yankee Doodle Crow E-Pattern is designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
13” Scallop Dome Plaque – Available from www.cdwood.com – Item # 31-L100
All Paints are Americana Acrylics from DecoArt:
Bleached Sand
Colonial Blue
Deep Midnight Blue
Midnite Blue
Oyster Beige
Rookwood Red
Tomato Red
Traditional Burnt Umber
Warm White
Williamsburg Blue
Mediums from DecoArt:
Americana Dry Time Extender
Americana Matte Spray Finisher
DecoArt One Step Crackle
Papillon Brushes from Artist’s Club:
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾” - #29002
Round # 2 - # 20158
Script Liner 10/0 - # 20137
Angle Shader ¼” - # 20109
Angle Shader 3/8”, # 20110
Flat Shader # 6 - # 20127
Drybrush ¼” and ½” – from their Highlighter Set # 20173
Miscellaneous Supplies:
Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – Such as a Sharpie OR Black PITT Artist Pen, Extra Superfine by FaberCastell (for even finer lines.)
Soft cloth (such as a piece of t-shirt) to wipe back your stain.