Summer Memories By Marika Moretti E-Pattern

Marika Moretti

$ 8.00 
SKU: 04-EMK029

Patterns designed and painted by Marika Moretti; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Suggested Surface: #28-29844 11x14 Wood Panel,

 Palette DecoArt Americana
Avocado Dip
Bubblegum Pink
Burnt Sienna
Cranberry Wine
Hauser Dark Green
Hauser Medium Green
Lamp Black
Neons Fiery Red
Santa Red
Soft Black
Terra Cotta
Warm White
DecoArt Media Gesso – white
DecoArt Drying Time Extender
DecoArt Glamour Dust – Copper (optional)
Windsor & Newton oil paint – Burnt Umber
Linseed oil
15,7 x 11,8 inches
Additional material:
Transfer paper, black graphite paper, stylus, sanding pad, a couple of old fabric pieces (I cut an old Tshirts
and this works great!), palette knife
Royal & Langnikel - Fan #6 SG850
Jo Sonja - Filbert Series 1385 #4 e 6
- Round Series 1350 # 3 e 5
- Angular Series 1345 da ¼”, ½” e ¾”
- Liner Series 1360 # script 18/0
(Optional) Loew Cornelle - Maxine Mop – ¾”, ½”, 3/8”
Flat 1” (any type, you just need it to wet the surface)