Santa Moon Pattern by Sharon Bond
Designed and painted by Sharon Bond; Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Crescent Moon Plaque – Available from - # 31-L259
DecoArt Easy Float (or Extender)
Americana Matte Spray Finisher
Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (I just use an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!)
Rubbing Alcohol – available in most any store
Tim Holtz Scribbles Stencil – Available from - #09-60235
Tim Holtz Holiday Knit Stencil – Available from - # 09-60705
Miscellaneous 1” inch Pom-Pom for the hat
All Paints are Americana Acrylics from DecoArt.
Dove Grey, Bleached Sand, Snow White, Buttermilk, Antique White, Fleshtone, Honey Brown, Espresso, Dark Hauser Green, Medium Hauser Green, Irish Moss, Rookwood Red, Tomato Red, Antique Maroon, Payne’s Grey, Uniform Blue and Black.
Specialty Paint:
Dazzling Metallics – Shimmering Silver
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾” for basecoating
Liner Brush 10/0 for details
Round Brush size 2
Flat Shader #6
Angular Shader ¼”
Highlight Brush size ½” for drybrushing & stenciling