Priscilla and Prescott E-Pattern
Designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Fleur De Lis Rectangle Plaque – Available from # WDSF486
DecoArt Easy Float (or Extender)
Americana Matte Spray Finisher
DecoArt/Tracy Moreau – Southern Motif Stencil (American Classic 8 ½ x 11) – Available at # TS01-K or # 09-04471
Any sponge or Mushroom Sponge – Available at # TOOL526 or at # 29=32227
For the dots on her dress you can use a Random Dot Stencil – Available from # STCL625 *or* just simple paint the dots yourself!
Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (I just use an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!)
All Paints are Americana Acrylics from DecoArt:
Black, Soft Black, Traditional Burnt Umber, Honey Brown, Antique White, Warm White, Terra Cotta,
Burnt Sienna, Burnt Orange, Canyon Orange, Marigold, Irish Moss, Grape Juice, Wild Orchid, Victorian
Blue and Blue Harbor.
Specialty Paints: DecoArt’s Dazzling Metallics: Emperor’s Gold & Worn Penny
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾” for basecoating
Liner Brush 10/0 for details
Round Brush size 2
Round Brush size 3 (basecoating larger items)
Angular Shader ¼”
Angular Shader 3/8”
Highlight Brush size ½” for drybrushing
Large Stencil Brush for stenciling (or a large, old drybrush)