North Pole Bound E-Pattern
Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Palette: Deco Art Americana Acrylic/
Black, White, Desert Sand, Mocha
Brunt Sienna, Deep Burgundy,
GooseBerry Pink, Country Red, Butterscotch,
Burnt Orange, Bittersweet Chocolate, Cocoa,
Plantation Pine, Hauser Lt Green, Spa Blue
Winter Blue, Prussian Blue, Uniform Blue
Deco Art Neons Fiery Red
Other DecoArt products:
Carbon paper DAS197
Matte Spray Sealer DAS13 or varnish of your
Chalk Paint Legacy
Suggested Brushes: Papillon by Artist Club
20135 Shader Set
20137 6/0 script liner
20121 #12 filbert
20111 ½” angular
20103 1” wash brush
Deco Art Waxing brush #28000
R9113-5/8” Dome
2” paint brush
Stencils: Betty Bowers
BCS316 Med Bubble
TWC164 Large Snowflakes