Happy Fall Y'All E-Pattern by Sue Cochrane
This digital PDF E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Antique White, Bright Orange, Bright Yellow, Dark Chocolate, French Grey Blue, Hauser Light Green,
Hauser Dark Green, Lamp Black, Lemon Yellow, Mustard Seed, Neutral Grey, Terra Cotta, Warm
White, Yellow Ochre
Note: French Grey Blue has been retired. Use Colonial Blue + Lamp Black 6:1 + touch of Prussian
Note: Mustard Seed has been retired. Use Marigold + Primary Yellow 7:1
DecoArt Americana Twinkles
Royal Langnickel Majestic Paintbrushes
½” Angular Shader, Series R4160
0, 5/0 Liners, Series, R4595
2,4,6,8,10 Shaders, R4150
Royal Paintbrushes
1/2” Filbert Comb, Series 930
¼” Deerfoot Stipplers, Series 660
Royal Moderna Paintbrushes
3/16” Deerfoot Stippler, Series M77DS
Oval Plaque, Item No. 31-L101, www.cdwood.com