Gnome In A Pumpkin Patch E-Pattern by Sue Cochrane
This digital PDF E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Antique Gold, Burnt Umber, French Grey Blue*, Hauser Light Green, Hauser Dark Green, Khaki Tan,
Lamp Black, Lemon Yellow, Mocha*, Persimmon, Warm White
*Note: French Grey Blue has been retired. Use Colonial Blue + Lamp Black 6:1 touch of Prussian Blue
Mocha has been retired. Use Titanium White + Cadmium Yellow + Burnt Sienna 4:1:1
Royal & Langnickel Majestic Paintbrushes
1/2”, 5/8” Angular Shaders, Series R4160
2, 4, 6 Filberts, Series R4170
5/0 Liner, Series R4595
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Shaders, Series R4150
Royal Paint Brushes
½” Filbert Comb, Series 930
Royal Moderna Paint Brushes
3/16” Deerfoot Stippler, Series M77DS
9” x 12” Surface of Choice. (This project was painted on Masonite for which directions follow)
DecoArt Americana Sealer/Finisher
Miscellaneous: Eraser, Palette Paper (Waxed), Paper Towels/Tissue, Stylus, Tracing Paper, Water
Container, White and Grey Graphite Paper