Gingerbread Ornament E-Pattern
Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Carolyn Roach includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
DecoArt Americana Acrylic Paints:
Antique Rose, Black, Camel, Honey Brown, Light Cinnamon, Mistletoe, Rookwood Red, Santa Red, Terra Coral, Whitewash, Glamour Dust Ice Crystals and Dura Clear Satin Varnish
Basic supplies:
Tracing paper, white graphite paper, ball stylus, dry palette paper, water basin, absorbent paper towels.
Brushes: In addition to your favorite flats or angles, you will need
A short liner (10/0) for lashes, a mid liner for icing and an assortment of scumbler brushes for dry brushing.
Surface & Accessories
Paper Mache ball or round surface of your choice. 2 ½” wide, wire edged ribbon, miniature cookie cutters, small piece of wire, glue and candy stripe string