Fruit Boxes E-Pattern

Betty Bowers

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EBB6026

Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Extended Information

Palette: Deco Art Americana
Black, White, Antique White, Lt Avocado, Black Green
Uniform Blue, French Grey Blue, Black Plum, Country Red
Napa Red, Neutral Grey, Burnt Sienna, Antique Gold
Antique Gold Deep
Deco Art Matte Spray Sealer or your choice of sealer
Brushes: Artist Club 800-845-6507
#8 filbert
18/0 liner
¼” Stippler
1/8”, 1/4”, ½” flats
¼”, 1/2'” angular
Assorted mop brushes
Addition Supplies:
One box 5 ½” X 6 ¼” Graphite paper
One box 4 ½” X 5 1/8” Old tooth brush
Basic Painting supplies Tape
Tracing paper