Desert Life E-Pattern by Christy Hartman
Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Christy Hartman includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
6”X6” gallery wrapped canvas available from your local art or hobby store or a wood canvas
approximately the same size, I used a 5 ½” X 5 ½”. I have designed the line art so you can use
the design on almost any surface.
Deco Art Media Black Gesso #DMM19
Deco Art Media White Gesso #DMM18
Deco Art Matte Spray Varnish #DAS13
The Crafters Workshop Stencil TCW219 12’ X 12” Doodling Template Punchinella
Micron Permanent Black Marker #01, #02
Make-up sponge
Ceramic knobs for the top: these can be purchased at any home store or box store.
Flat Wood Disc 1 ½” in diameter
Metal Tart Pan approximately 2 ½” in diameter: these can be purchased at many kitchen and
bath store.
¼” Green Painter’s Tape
Small nut and bolt to attach the tart pan to the bottom of the canvas.
Electric Drill
Palette: Deco Art Americana
Asphaltum #DA180
Blue Violet #DA141
Burnt Sienna #DA063
Butterscotch #DA295
Deco Art Media Metallic Gold DMFA49
Electric Pink #DA231
Fawn #DA242
Hauser Dark Green #DA133
Hi-Lite Flesh #DA024
Honey Brown #DA163
Indian Turquoise #DA087
Lamp Black #DA067
Light Buttermilk #DA164
Napa Red #DA165
Neon Scorching Yellow #DHS1
Olive Green #DA056
Orange Flame #DA315
Peach Punch #DA341
Santa Red #DA170
Shading Flesh #DA137
Snow White #DA01
Spiced Pumpkin #DA310
Watermelon Slice #DA324
Brushes: Papillon by the Artist’s Club
#2 Round #20158
#4 Round #20161
#8 Shader #20129
Filbert Comb #20104
Glaze Wash 1” #20103
Highlighter Set #20173
Script Liner (SL) 18/0 #20136
Stipple Set #20172
Deerfoot Set #20167
½” Angular Shader #20111
3/8” Angular Shader #20110
¼” Angular Shader #20109
Maxine’s Mop Brush 3/8” #26265
Use the brush that best fits the area to be painted.