Color Wheel E-Pattern by Lonna Lamb
Designed by Lonna Lamb; E-Pattern comes as a downloadable PDF file and includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Water Basin
Palette Paper
Paper Towels
Tracing Paper
Graphite paper Grey & White
Pencil or Pen
Misting Bottle
2" Foam Roller
Sanding pad or brown paper bag (optional)
8 x 8 canvas panel or surface of your choice
You may reduce or enlarge the pattern to fit your surface.
Artist Sponge TO106
Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Bright Blue DA351
Bright Orange DA228
Burlap DA319
Dioxazine Purple DA101
Festive Green DA230
Lamp Black DA067
Lavender DA034
Leaf Green DA051
Midnite Blue DA085
Orange Flame DA315
Persimmon DA293
Saffron Yellow DA273
Snow White DA01
Soft Black DA155
Tomato Red DA169
Victorian Blue DA039
Yellow Light DA144
Mediums: DecoArt: Chalky Gesso CG01 (optional), Multi Purpose Sealer DS17 (optional), Soft
Touch Varnish DS123
Brushes: 10 & 14 Flat, 2 Round, 3/8" Angle, 10/0 Liner, Mop Brush, 6 or 8 Chisel