Beartoven E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: 1837 Legacy™ Deco Art Americana
Tundra Doeskin
Black Brown Bittersweet Chocolate
Black Black
Espresso Soft Black
Burnt Umber Asphaltum
Black Ruby Rookwood
Taupe Khaki Tan
Doeskin Mink Tan
Antique Lace Bleached Sand
BRUSHES: 1837 Legacy™ Flat: #8, #12, 3/4", 1” Perfect Liner: 10/0, #1 Round: #3 Deerfoot: 3/8” (this is a natural hair brush, not a taklon deerfoot)
SUPPLIES: All-purpose sealer 00 or 01 Perma marker Varnish (of your choice)
20 X 13" piece of fabric with music pattern (from Fabric or Quilting Shops)
20 X 13" piece of Wonder Under or Fusible Web (from Fabric or Quilting Shops)