Among the Violets E-Pattern By Donna Hodson
E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
SURFACE: The Arched Candle Light surface is no longer available as far as I know. This pattern is easily adaptable to other surfaces approximately 8” x 10”. Reduce or enlarge for other surfaces.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic: Sand, Avocado, Light Avocado, Dark Chocolate, Bittersweet Chocolate, Camel, Jade, Plantation Pine, Dioxazine Purple, Royal Purple, Purple Rain, Wild Orchid, Cadmium Yellow, Ultra Blue Deep, Country Blue, Titanium White, Lamp Black
Other: Optional: Dazzling Metallic Glorious Gold, Neon Thermal Green both by DecoArt
BRUSHES: Use any preferred brand but use good brushes.
1” wash, ¾” oval wash or flat wash, 1/2” angle, size 1 or 2 round, 10/0 or 18/0 script liner, size 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 flats, ¼” filbert comb, rake, or grainer, spatter brush, large mop brush
Palette paper
Old grey graphite and/or white
Tracing paper
Brush basin
Paper towels
JoSonja’s All Purpose Sealer or Multi-Purpose Sealer by DecoArt
JoSonja’s Water Based Polyurethane Matte Varnish or choice
600 wet/dry sandpaper (or brown paper sack) or 3M P320 Flexible Sandpaper found at home improvement stores.
Scotch or painter’s tape (used for candle holder)
Usual acrylic supplies