A Few of My Favorite Things E-Pattern By Donna Hodson
E-Pattern by Donna Hodson includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
SURFACE: 7” X 10 ¼” MDF sign available at www.lonnasstrokeofart.com. You could also paint this on an 8” x 10” surface or enlarge for other surfaces.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana:
Antique Gold, Antique Rose, Avocado, Berry Red, Blue Harbor, Blue Violet, Burnt Umber, Buttermilk, Cadmium Yellow, Coral Blush, Cranberry Wine, Desert Sand, Dove Grey, Graphite, Grey Sky, Hauser Light Green, Honey Brown, Lamp Black, Light Buttermilk, Mustard Seed, Olive Green, Plantation Pine, Sand, Snow White, Tomato Red
BRUSHES: 1” wash, ¾” Moon Filbert (Scharff series 435 Champagne), flats sizes 2-8, size 0 script liner, size 10/0 detail liner, ½” angle, size 4 script liner or a size 2 round to paint the daisies, your favorite brushes.
OTHER: Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer, brush basin, tracing paper, C-thru ruler, textured paper towels, 18 or 20 gauge black or gold wire or suede cord, about 24 – 28 inches, needle nosed pliers, wire cutters, piece of craft paper or 600 wet/dry sandpaper, .01 or .005 Black Micron Pen, hair dryer, usual acrylic supplies.