Gnome or Bust E-Pattern by Sue Cochrane
This digital PDF E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Black Forest Green, Burnt Umber, Dragon Fruit, Desert Sand, Hauser Light Green, Lamp Black, Navy
Blue, Neutral Grey, Sunny Day, True Ochre, Tuscan Red, Victorian Blue
Royal & Langnickel, Royal Majestic Paintbrushes
1”, ½” Angular Shaders, Series R4160
2, 6 Filberts, Series R4170
5/0 Liner, Series R4595
2,4,8,10 Shaders, Series R4150
Royal Moderna Paintbrushes
3/16” Deerfoot Stippler, Series M77DS
Oval Plaque, Item No. 31-L101,
DecoArt Americana Duraclear Varnish (Matte)
Miscellaneous: eraser, palette paper (waxed), paper towels/tissue, sandpaper (#400 grit), stylus, tack
cloth, tracing paper, water container, white and gray graphite paper
Miracle Compressed Sponges,
Scotch Brand Removable Tape by 3M